November 13, 2014

Nordian Capital Partners acquires a majority interest in Chrysal International

Naarden – Nordian Capital Partners and Management announced today that they acquired Chrysal from R12 Kapital, a Swedish investment company,  and other minority shareholders. Chrysal is the market leader in high-quality care for cut flowers and potplants. Chrysal has extensive, worldwide knowledge of both the horticultural chain as well as the different channels-to-market.  Nordian will help Chrysal  to further strengthen its market position by geographical expansion and the development of new innovative products and concepts. Chrysal has its headquarters in Naarden, the Netherlands and including its operations in the UK, USA, Colombia, Ecuador, Kenya, Japan, France, Sweden, Germany and Russia  it employs 220 staff. The company’s turnover is over € 40 million. The consideration paid will not be disclosed. The Management Team of Chrysal is very glad to have Nordian as a new partner. Joep Wiegel, CEO of Chrysal International: “ Nordian will assist us to strengthen our market position by geographical expansion and the development of new innovative products and concepts. Our success is built on local presence in all the key horticulture centres around the world and customer intimacy based on technical consulting and tailor made product development. We look forward growing the business further and becoming even more successful in the coming years." Perry Bos, Managing Partner of Nordian, is convinced that the ambitions of Chrysal match with the focus of Nordian and he is very content with the addition of Chrysal International to Nordian's investment portfolio. “The company plays an innovative leading role in its market and we are impressed by the achievements of management. We are looking forward to cooperate with management to grow the business and enlarge Chrysal’s position in the global flower and plant care  market”. About Chrysal For more than 80 years, Chrysal supplies premium flower care products which condition cut flowers for optimal quality. Chrysal have used her knowledge of flower care to develop a line of B2B plant care products as well. The main objective of Chrysal is to prolong flower/plant life to increase customer satisfaction and reduce waste in the chain. We help our clients around the globe with:
  • Flower & plant care products for every stage in the chain.
  • Technical support & advice.
  • Protocols to enable optimal performance.
Using Chrysal at all steps of the chain, guarantees a sustainable approach and consumer satisfaction with every purchase of a horticultural product.